Sunday 27 November 2011

Questions Imergin from my training/practise..... Task 2D

I want to teach children with disabilities but trying to find a job in a school is hard...even though we're out of this resection jobs are still at risk and job cuts are still happening so there is a lack of jobs.
When will jobs stop being affected?

Looks are important when auditioning. How often should we update our portfolio?

Web 2.0 is always growing and google is very advanced how much growing does it have left though?

Reflecting is important but can you actually learn something new every day?


  1. Enjoying the posts Charlotte as you are working through some ideas here.

    The process of coming up with your own ideas seems like an easy one... but having experienced it myself and helped others make choices - I know that it is actually quite difficult to do.

    This course is about exploring things that come up in your work (paid or unpaid) environment. When there is a lot of flux in that environment - it is sometimes hard to see what questions and things we would examine if we had the chance... this programme is the chance.

    You will be revisiting the idea of possible topics you are interested in after you 'have a go' at professional networking - and that is where the module ends to be taken up in Module 2... use the networking to think through some of the ideas from this blog.

    Are you interested in your performance auditions/ portfolio now?

    or is it planning for a future pathway? It is up to you to choose using the knowledge of yourself that you have been reviewing for the module.

  2. The portfolio is for both now and later on. As my hair has had a dramatic change to my actual headshots they need changing but I want to know how often I should update them any way and find out how often everyone else updates there's.
