Monday 27 February 2012

4a questions questions questions

After reading the course reader and Sarah Pearson's blog.... I had two potential practises I wanted to develop questions for which would develop my learning. My two subjects I chose were teaching children with learning difficulties and auditioning and dance profession.
After writing questions down for both practises I decided to go with teaching as i will benefit from learning and developing this subject.

My draft set of questions about teaching children with learning difficulties are:

What qualifications do you need to teach children with learning disabilities dance?
Has the resection affected jobs with in schools for Children with learning disabilities? If so how has affected the school?
Can Children with learning disabilities benefit from dance and movement? If yes what would they be?
Should the class be more fun and involved?
Does dance improve there disabling and behaviour?
Does dance help them gain confidence?
Children with learning disabilities rely on routine, so if a dance class is changed how will it affect them?
What type of music is suitable in a dance class?
Can music be calming and relaxing for Children with learning disabilities?
If there are different abilities within a class which ability should you work towards?
Is it advisable to set targets and award systems?
Do exams or assessments add stress to children's lives?
Can the benefits in dance be explored in further depth so it can help other children?

I feel I can expand on my practise through more indepth questions which my occur as my learning develops.


  1. Definitions can be useful in considering inquiry topics. Have you considered your understanding of learning difficulties ... I presume you are working with such a group and that you would be in a position to carry out an inquiry - sounds fascinating - look forward to seeing how this develops

  2. There are lots of good beginning questions here - see if any can be grouped together in a more thematic way to provide some overarching inquiry questions to guide you... If it is about using dance and music with children with learning disabilities - what do you really want to find out? Alice Chambers is looking at a similar topic with movement - she might be a good person to connect with - and their is a SIG about teaching younger children - on LinkIn - look at links on the BAPP Libguide. Jacob Hughes is also looking at auditions - please confer with him.

    Many people have several topics that they could choose from, and in some cases, there is somewhere in the middle that makes sense.

    Also it would be good to start looking at what others have said on the subject - so the literature for your topic. Look at my blog and the Noticeboard for suggestions.

    Also Charlotte, contact me for a discussion - that also really helps pulls ideas together. I find the topic form BAPP really interesting - so it is a process of seeing which are the best fits for the time we have together for your degree work.
