Wednesday 26 September 2012

interviews and analisis

yesterday i interviewed twwo teachers at school about how they uses performing arts in curricular lessons and how children with global delay benifit from using singing, drama and dance/movement during lessons helps them learn and understand things more.

the first interview didnt go so well as i couldnt work out how to pause my dicterphone and ended up having three seperate recordings which when i got home one of them had disapiered. so i will re do that one.
my second interview went well as i figured out how to pause it.

i found if i showed my interviewes the questions first they could think about what there answers were going to be as when your holding a dictorphone at them its quiet nervraking.

i followed all my ethical prosses that i set and will carry on doing so.

analasis..... i decided to print off the questions and write down for each interview the answers then i will compair and contrast them and then right a reflection on what i have learnt during the interviews about my question and core questions.

how is every one elses inquires going.



  1. Thanks Charlotte- did you use the standard consent forms - in sorting out the questions - the comparing and contrasting - see if you can clarify this for others - are you looking for patterns? exceptions? etc. happy to help with that part - and you might want to refer to some of the sources we have suggested for this analysis process...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Charlie,

    Good start getting on with your interviewing!

    I would be interested to read the interview questions used?

    What are you looking for in the answers? Maybe compare your answers with the answers you expected to get?


  4. Hi Liam my questions
    Final interview questions

    Do you use performing arts during curricular lessons? And how?
    What benefits does it have on children with global delay whilst learning?
    How do children with global delay struggle in communication in lessons?
    How does using performing arts during lessons help and develop there communication skills?
    What other exercises using performing arts would you use to develop there communication skills?

    Thank you Liam for your advise I am know trying to put together my focus group questions.
    I have desired to compare them all and see wether there is a simerlar itty in the answers.

  5. Hi Charlie, sounds like you've got off to a good start! I like the point Liam made about the answers to your interview questions. Were the answers what you expected or were they different? It's also a good idea to give your interviewees a copy of your questions. I will take that on board and give a copy of the questions to my participants before interviewing them too,
    Emily x

  6. Hi Emily
    The interviews went well both teacher were very responsive and helpful. The answers I got we're very helpfull. There were some answers I was expecting but others I wasn't but they all help towards my inquiry. I think I might do a few more interviews and also find at least one teacher who doesn't use performing arts whilst teaching children with learning difficulties so I can discuss there view and maybe debate what works and what doesn't.
    How is everyone else getting on with their stages of their inquiries?
