Wednesday 24 October 2012

journal entery

i have really struggled to finalise and develop my fosuc group questions i thought i would go back to basics,....
when in doute brain storm!
hope all your planning is going well

Friday 12 October 2012

Fosuc group questions... Bit of help needed

I am trying to put my focus group questions together and I'm struggling.
My plan for my focus group

This focus group will include the Mushroom theatre company which is an inter grated (abled and disabled) dance company/school. Some of the teachers also teach in special needs schools, so I will hopefully gain mixed views and answers for the questions asked.

Where and when?
Mushroom Theatre company on the 20th October.

To put together questions that will help and benefit my inquiry.
To learn at least one thing new about my inquiry question, "how does performing arts benefit children with global delay."
To follow my ethics.

Hoped out come.
From this focus group I hope to have explored my questions and receive constructive and contrasting answers, from the teachers which all have different qualifications and experiences.
I also hope to learn about weather communication skills of learners can benefit and develop from performing arts.
 I would also like to have an understanding on how children with global delay struggle with communication and how I can help when working with them. I also want to understand how performing arts can develop their communication skills and what other aspects of learning can benefit from performing arts.

Questions from my interview which I can incorporate.

Do you use performing arts during curricular lessons? And how?
What benefits does it have on children with global delay whilst learning?
How do children with global delay struggle in communication in lessons?
How does using performing arts during lessons help and develop there communication skills?
What other exercises using performing arts would you use to develop there communication skills?

If any one has any tips, ideas or comments would be truly great full!


Wednesday 26 September 2012

interviews and analisis

yesterday i interviewed twwo teachers at school about how they uses performing arts in curricular lessons and how children with global delay benifit from using singing, drama and dance/movement during lessons helps them learn and understand things more.

the first interview didnt go so well as i couldnt work out how to pause my dicterphone and ended up having three seperate recordings which when i got home one of them had disapiered. so i will re do that one.
my second interview went well as i figured out how to pause it.

i found if i showed my interviewes the questions first they could think about what there answers were going to be as when your holding a dictorphone at them its quiet nervraking.

i followed all my ethical prosses that i set and will carry on doing so.

analasis..... i decided to print off the questions and write down for each interview the answers then i will compair and contrast them and then right a reflection on what i have learnt during the interviews about my question and core questions.

how is every one elses inquires going.


Wednesday 19 September 2012

getting on my feet..... how is every one else getting on?

i have started to look into different aspects my inquiry to find sourse so instead of just foucusing on performing arts and children with learning difficulties.i have looked into early years, global development, teaching children with global delay, music and children ect....

tweeked my final questions, core questions and objectives all to fit in with my new job.... fingures crossed they allow me to interview 3 members of staff.

devised my exersise log.... now to fill it out!!!

Journal... hmmm this needs to become more of a routien but then i think my exersize log will replace that in a way. do i carry on with a journal?????

how is every one else getting on?

so much to do so little time


Wednesday 12 September 2012

soures?? artical

i have found a good artical about teaching children with global development delay and good stratages to use which will help me in my new job.
have fun reading... Global Development Delay artical.

new term

i have just started my new job...DREAM job!!!
I have just started teaching dance at a special needs school. its only my lesson and i love it i have learnt so much within myself and how the chioldren react to dance and also how much it lets off steam.
i feel by doing this i can really develop my learning and it will help with my inquiry.
i am also doing some LSA (learning support assistant) work during the week at the school. Which i am find very exciting.
after a great first week and reading my feed back my head is blurd.... were do i start? what needs tweeking?
What materials shall i use to resurch? can any body help me or give me some advise?

Thursday 19 April 2012


Survey for parents at MTC.

Does your child have:
Physical disability
Learning difficulty

Please answer the following questions in as much detail possible.

What benefits does your child get from coming from MTC?

2. Since coming to MTC has your child's skills improved?
Please specify how.
Speech and literacy skills;



Sense of rhythm;

Memory skills;


3. Has MTC helped improve there learning? And how?

4. Does your child enjoy coming to MTC?

5. Have you noticed any changes to your child's personality since joining MTC? And how?

6. If schools used performing arts ( dance, drama, singing, music and art) to teach the curriculum do you think there would be a change in your child's; skills, behaviour and learning? What are your views and why?

Please let me know the following questions
How long did it take to complete? Was there enough information given about what the questionnaire is for and about? We're any of the questions unclear? We're any of the questions hard to give an answer to? Was the topic of the questionnaire carried through all the questions? Was the layout of the questionnaire clear and attractive? How can it be improved

Thank you for your time
The reason I haven't done the questionnaire on survey monkey is because I want written formal answers.